Monday 9 January 2023

A new year...


'The Lighted Window', oil on canvas, 80 x 100cms, 2022

Happy New Year. 

Well, I haven’t done any portraits or still lives since the last post, but I have been busy making some new larger paintings, either based directly on some of the small studies I spent a few weeks working on in the six weeks following my operation or inspired by some of the ideas that came out of the process of making them. This has particularly been the case when it came to developing a braver and more creative use of colour. It’s been great to be independent again as my foot has healed, and I’ve now returned to work.

'The Cut IV', oil on canvas, 120 x 180cms, 2022

The paintings, 10 so far, are quite varied, and I think making the smaller works has really helped me have a clearer idea on what I want to do and work with renewed focus. It has also helped massively to be able to just have the time to paint, without trying to fit it all in around work. I’ve felt much more relaxed than I have in years, and I think the paintings reflect this and look much more confident. I became conscious as we headed into December that this period was nearing an end as I would be returning to work in January, and I felt sad about this. I’m never going to be able to make a living from my painting practice, but I do wish I could free up more time for it, but also for myself and teach less. This time off has been good for my mental well-being as much as it has allowed the time needed to recover my physical health. But still, this time off has made me reflect on these issues and I’m thinking more seriously how I can make this happen, or at least hold on to some of the things I’ve enjoyed over the last 3 months and how I prioritise and spend my time.  
'On The Corner', oil on canvas, 60 x 60cms, 2022

As I head into 2023, I’m pleased to say I’ve got another couple of large exhibitions coming up next year as well as a piece, ‘The Turn Of The Tide’, in the Worcester Open 23 (Climate Change Edition) at The Art House, Worcester. I also have another one at the exhibition space at Malvern Library café, which I really enjoyed showing last year, and another with my artist friend, Andrew Smith at The Hive, the large exhibition space at the University of Worcester library. Both of these exhibitions will focus on my ongoing series of ‘Night Walk’ paintings.  

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