Thursday 8 July 2021

Bigger portions....


oil on canvas, 120 x 150cms, 2021

Since completing the paintings on black grounds I wrote about in the last post, which were rather modest in scale, I thought it might be nice to try and make some nice, large paintings again. This arose out of having one of my small Spaghetti Junction paintings that I made some months ago on my living room wall. Contemplating it over several days I realised it looked more like a study for a bigger painting and that it’s more abstract quality of bold, painterly shapes, geometric forms and colour combinations could look really exciting on a much bigger scale. So in the last three weeks that’s just what I’ve done: I enlarged 2 of the smaller paintings, or ‘studies’, and made 2 4ft x 5ft paintings that I’m really excited about.

oil on canvas, 120 x 150cms, 2021
I had great fun painting both of them, particularly the first one (above) which was a simpler composition and was almost a direct translation of the smaller painting it is based on. The second one was much more exhausting to do, and had a lot more to consider in terms of colour relationships, the mark-making on this scale and trying to depict the complicated spatial areas that exist across it. Basically, all of it really!

But I think it was worth it, as I’m really pleased with them, and it’s great to bring some bolder colour into the studio and create some paintings that are more abstract and dynamic. It's also exciting to see some of the work I've been experimenting with since the start of the year start to develop into some more coherent paintings. 

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