Tuesday 1 December 2020

Go on...treat yourself!

'The Far Field', oil on canvas, 30 x 40cms, 2020
I’m pleased to say I’m one of a small number of artists now represented by ‘Small Works Art Gallery’: www.smallworksartsgallery.com,  

It's a new online gallery platform set up by local Birmingham based but American born artist and recent Slade graduate Monica Perez Vega. Its aim is to sell modest scale (nothing bigger than 40cms either way) and modestly priced artwork directly from the site. I’ve got three small paintings available for now which if you are after a Christmas bargain...? 
'The Way', oil on panel, 30 x 30cms, 2020
Monica thought my work was too cheap, and she’s probably right but it is a hard one to judge as most artists will tell you (I think, but I’m not entirely sure of that- some artists seem to have no qualms about charging a fortune!). However, I would prefer to keep things more modestly priced so people may be more tempted to buy an original painting which I sincerely believe is a wonderful, enriching thing to live with. I have my own small collection of art bought from artists in a similar position to me and I just love having these artworks around me, although I find it very difficult to select things that I think I can live with, but in their own quiet way these artworks add a real richness to one’s life that’s hard to describe.  

Go on, you know you want to...treat yourself, it’s been an awful year...


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