Saturday 30 March 2019

Todd Jones...Artist in Residence

Todd Jones at New Art Gallery Walsall
I’ve been over to the New Art Gallery Walsall today to visit the Open Studio of the current Artist in Residence, a former student of mine, Todd Jones. I’ve recently made contact with Todd again through Instagram when I saw his name on the Walsall art gallery’s Instagram feed and wondered if it was the same quiet, nicely off-beat Todd I had taught when he was a 16- year old college student 12 years ago, and it was indeed. He came along to my own recent private view in Wolverhampton and it was great to catch up with him. Chris Cowdrill, my illustrator and lecturer friend was also there, and he had worked closely with Todd too ‘back in the day’, so a bit of reminiscing inevitably took place (mainly about aspects of my teaching which had left Todd a bit traumatised at the time…!)
Todd has recently graduated from an MA in Fine Art course at Wolverhampton University, and it was this that had been a springboard for him landing the residency at Walsall, as the gallery has close ties with the course and I believe a few other MA graduates have also recently been resident artists there too. Todd had been using his time to develop what he describes as his ‘ephemeral sculptures’, which are created from the residual paint dust Todd sands labouriously from various surfaces including empty sculpture plinths and, during his time at Walsall, the actual studio walls. This ritualistic sanding has a performative quality to it, which Todd has tried to capture in video. He also takes rather beautiful, ambiguous black and white photographs of the sculptures which, as the sculptures are swept up at the end of his time with them, is an important document of the whole event. It was all really impressive, and very Zen-like, and Todd spoke with such enthusiasm and confidence about it all. It was great to see the journey he has made. I can’t wait to see what’s next…

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