Friday 8 December 2017

'Highway Anxiety' at The Moseley Exchange, Birmingham

On Tuesday I hung a selection of my paintings at the Moseley Exchange in Moseley, Birmingham in an exhibition I’ve called ‘Highway Anxiety’. It features seven of my lorry paintings (well, and one street sweeper), and I’m really pleased with how it looks- particularly the four largest paintings across the generous exhibition wall. It’s the best I’ve seen these displayed so far.
Although the exhibition space regularly hosts work from local artists, The Moseley Exchange isn’t a gallery space- it’s an open community co-working space for local creatives, normally solopreneurs’ who can rent a desk or office space and be amongst other like-minded people, network opportunities or just seek a quieter space than working at home often allows. Here’s a link:  
I applied for a show there because a) I’m always seeking new venues to show my work and, like Bob Dylan’s Neverending Tour, keep my paintings ‘on the road’ and b) because it’s in Moseley, Birmingham’s home to many local creative and bohemian types, I thought the exhibition may probably likely to get seen by more interested people than many of the exhibitions I host in often out of the way artist-run gallery spaces. I’ve had printed lots of flyers I have distributed in all the local bars, shops and cafes too. We’ll see...

see….it’s got a good run though, and is on until February 5th 2018. Go on, pop in. It looks great!   

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