Friday 12 June 2015

'Mental Mapping': an exhibition by Andrew Smith and Hugh Marwood


This week has seen the opening of ‘Mental Mapping’ at the Floor One Gallery in Rugby Museum and Art Gallery. It’s an exhibition by my two artist friends, Andrew Smith and Hugh Marwood, who will display a selection of their own work in painting, photography and digital media, as well as collaborative film they have made together which explores their overlapping interests. I’d like to write a bit more about the show next week, but for now here are some details from their Press Release. The Private View is tomorrow, the 13th June, from 1pm-3pm if you are in the area. It is well worth a visit.
Andrew and Hugh looking uncomfortable

Mental Mapping is an exhibition of recent work by Andrew Smith, from Birmingham, and Hugh Marwood, from Leicester.  It includes paintings by each artist, with Andrew’s digital prints, Hugh’s concrete-mounted photographs, and a joint video collaboration.  The work explores their different aspects of the relationship between physical and mental spaces.
Andrew’s paintings often develop from his own still life photography, but their confusing sense of scale suggests we might be able to move around amongst their strangely focused contents.  They are really landscapes of the mind whose subjects connect with the artist’s autobiography.  His digital prints combine photographic images with line drawing, paint drips, and various other marks. They depict certain places, but also suggest the thoughts and feelings one might have there, and the possible influence of literature or music.
Andrew Smith's work
Hugh’s paintings are more abstract, but include sections of street maps and written phrases relating to specific locations in Leicester. Incorporating torn advertising posters, and the mixed messages of signage, advertising, road markings, or graffiti, they suggest the unexpected ideas that might arise in these places.  His ‘Cement Cycle’ photographs show various concrete-related features on his cycle commutes to and from work, and explore the unpredictable ways a city-dweller might experience and memorise their surroundings.  Rugby’s enormous cement plant has haunted his imagination since the opportunity to exhibit there arose, and he was keen to connect this project with the material it produces.
Hugh Marwood, 'Maps 5', acrylics and collage on board, 60 x 90cms, 2015
To accompany the exhibition, Andrew and Hugh have made a short video, entitled ‘Orfeo’. It can be seen at:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for helping to spread the word, Shaun.

    I hope your arms have stopped aching after putting up all those concrete blocks!
