Sunday 15 September 2013

'By The Way'

Some time ago I mentioned an exhibition in Nottingham centred around the ‘edgelands’ theme that I had been invited to participate in. The exhibition is being curated by Sian Stammers, a Nottingham based photographer, and during the summer she visited my studio in Birmingham to view my work first-hand, and confirm my commitment after discussing the intentions of the project. I really enjoyed meeting Sian, who was very funny, passionate and wise, and we talked at length, discovering many shared values in art and politics. We also discussed the idea of collaborating with some writers/poets, which I’m pleased to say has led to an invite being extended to my artist/writer friend Andrew Smith to contribute, after Sian read the writing he had contributed to the ‘If A Picture Paints A Thousand Words…’ exhibition ‘catalogue’. Andrew has started a blog as a platform for his writing, under his pseudonym of H R Smoke, which I’m really enjoying and would like to recommend via the link at the bottom of this post. This is a photo by Andrew from it:
Last weekend Andy and I met Sian at the BoHunk Institute in Nottingham, to view the venue, and discuss further the plans for the exhibition. The show will open with a Private View on Friday 18th October, and will run for two weeks. The Institute is a great artist-lead space near the centre of the city, run by Allan, a very cool guy with his fingers in lots of pies in lots of places. It was fascinating hearing Sian and Allan discussing with great passion and interest the local East Midlands landscape. There are plans to have a writing workshop, readings and other gallery talks, and the other artists, working in largely photography, but also digital media and in collaboration with writers, sound very exciting too. I just wish I could remember their full names for the purpose of this post! The private view should be a great event. I can’t wait, and feel it hopefully could be a great opportunity to make new contacts and get my work more widely noticed…
The other photos on this post are by Sian by the way (which is also the title of the exhibition)

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