Friday 19 April 2013


pastel on paper, 31 x 42cms

I’ve been working on these new drawings for Park View Art Gallery in the last few evenings. It has been an intense week, with an Ofsted visit at work, so lots of pressure, and trying to do these in those circumstances has been difficult. I’ve made about eight so far, trying not to think too much about it, and not sure if I liked them at all, but with the last couple I think some things are beginning to shape up. The more I do, the more able I feel to begin to make decisions about what I do and don’t like in the imagery, but also how to manipulate the media, in this case pastel, more successfully. Some of them are quite small, which are the ones I like working on best. I enjoy the intimacy of working on this scale., and things become more simplified, but they are complicated little drawings to deal with.
 pastel on paper, 31 x 42cms
pastel on paper, 21 x 32cms
pastel on paper, 21 x 31cms
pastel on paper, 31 x 21cms
pastel on paper, 21 x 31cms

Of course, the gallery may not like them, but I can’t think about those issues…. 

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