Sunday 11 November 2012

Nice One...

Jock MacFadyen, oil on canvas, 152x 270cms, 

I liked this I came across by art writer Karen Wright's  account of her studio visit with the painter Jock McFadyen:
Jock McFadyen’s East End studio is infused with the heady perfume of paint and turps. Painting, now seemingly the least fashionable of arts, is literally getting up my nose here. When I ask McFadyen if he minds practising the art form seemingly not at the forefront of chic curating, his defence is instantaneous and robust: “The great thing about painting is that it’s not fashionable.”
I ask if he always wanted to be an artist, and his response illuminates the current divide in art. “I don’t want to be an artist. I want to be a painter. The man in the street might think you make art out of dirt and string. It is embarrassing to be an artist.”
There’s something in that…I’m a painter, too. 
Jock MacFadyen,oil on canvas, 115 x 173cms

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