Friday 6 July 2012

Summer Exhibition at The Public

Stolen Car, 
Charcoal on Paper, A2 size
I’ve had these three charcoal drawings accepted in the Summer Exhibition at The Public, West Bromwich. The exhibition begins next week and is up until September. You have to be somehow connected to Sandwell (I was born in West Bromwich) to apply, as it is a ‘showcase’ of the area’s creative talents.  Having shown last year, I found it to be a nice mix of professional and amateur artists with all sorts of things on display.
 Stolen Car 2, 
charcoal on paper, A2 size
Those sort of shows can look terrible, however and can do nothing for your work (I’m thinking of the Worcester Open last year which I also took part in but wish I hadn’t-there was no selection at all, just a totally open thing which looked so stuffed that nothing could be seen). But I really enjoyed last year’s show at The Public where I exhibited a large portrait. The show is a bit more selected, and with it being a new show last year there weren’t as many entries. I did wonder what the hang  would look like though as I handed in my work next to the large air-brushed painting of Robert Plant.  Somehow though, it all seemed to fit together…
Stolen Car 3, 
charcoal on paper, A2 size
I only anticipated that hopefully, I would get one selected but all three being chosen came as a bit of a surprise. The selectors thought they looked better as a group. As a consequence it has meant getting all three framed which hasn’t been cheap, but I’m really pleased with how they appear. It’s exciting participating in some new exhibitions again, and showing all new work…I encouraged one of my students, Hasan, to apply and he has also been selected for his excellent landscape painting. It will be a nice end to his course to exhibit together, as I have been his personal tutor and painting teacher for the last two years. 

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