Friday 23 September 2011


Sometimes you make something that is so appalling bad you wonder what you have learned in the last twenty odd years of painting. What were you thinking of? What preparation did you do? Is that all? How can the drawing be so weak when you draw everyday? Have you become so conceited that you thought that you could skate through a painting as if you have done it a thousand times before (which you have)? Oh, your painting heroes make it look so easy, do they? Well get over it. You’re not them, and they are certainly not you- scratching away in your big shed in the garden. Do you know nothing about colour? And the light? What is that? Those marks look so lazy. It’s as if you are trying to will something into looking like ‘art’. How lame. They describe nothing. They describe nothing at all. You loser.

Destroy it. Wipe that wasted pile of paint off and do something more useful with your time.

Yeah, I had a day like that in the studio yesterday. It happens…

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