Tuesday 19 April 2011

On The Road Again...

I had a nice time painting outside at Swan Pool in Sandwell Valley today. My landscape paintings always start with small oil paintings and drawings made on location, and Swan Pool is a place I’m particularly fond of. It’s a bit wild in places, quite flat with the expanse of water and the big sky above, and I like the quite roar of the M5 in the distance. The beautiful sunny weather threw up new visual ideas that might drag my paintings away from the flat, dull light that I’m quite keen on depicting, which for some reason I associate with the Midlands.

Here too are a few images from the studio that may illustrate some of the my current creative activities. It has been a busy time of experimenting over the last six months, which has seen me produce lots of new work, with lots of misses, but a few nice hits.

It’s only now that the dust is beginning to settle that I’m beginning to view things more objectively and think about the direction I want to take next.

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